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Suprnova closed


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Greetings everybody,


As you have probably noticed, we have often had downtimes. This was because it was so hard to keep this site up!

But now we are sorry to inform you all, that SuprNova is closing down for good in the way that we all know it.

We do not know if SuprNova is going to return, but it is certainly not going to be hosting any more torrent links.

We are very sorry for this, but there was no other way, we have tried everything.


Thank you all that helped us, by donating mirrors or something else, by uploading and seeding files, by helping people out on IRC and on forum, by spreading the word about SuprNova.org.

It is a sad day for all of us!


Please visit SuprNova.org every once in a while to get the latest news on what is happening and if there is anything new to report on.


As we wish to maintain the nice comunity that we created, we are keppig forums and irc servers open.


Thank you all and Goodbye!

sloncek & the rest of the SuprNova Team


I knew this was gonna happen. What an arse.

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There's other torrent sites around, but nothing I've seen is as extensive as suprnova was. And some of the other ones require you to sign up, which is a hassle.


http://www.torrentreactor.net/index.php is a good alternative.


Also, I've found there are some specific sites for specific things, like anime, tv programs and the like. I guess it's the music and movies that will be the hardest to find replacements for. And also games.


Jeez, what am I going to use my broadband connection for now???


Post up some torrent sites!

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Seriously, get a decent news server account (or try your ISPs) and subscribe to newzbin.com. You'll need a decent newsreader as well (I use Newsbin Pro).

Once you get over the initial hurdle of learning a bit about Usenet and how it works you'll be fine.

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Looks like isohunt is back up, but for how long...


Usenet is definitely a good alternative, but the problem is, you only get the latest releases. Not much of a 'back catalogue'. Also, not all ISPs provide decent enough usenet service, many have poor retention, and a lot of incomplete posts. The better usenet providers you have to pay for, and on top of that, there is a download limit too.


Bittorrent was definitely the best, for a lot of reasons. Usually very good speeds, good variety and back catalogue, relatively easy to find and use, and no problems with errors with downloading, due to the in-built has / CRC checks while d/ling.


BUT, at the end of the day, we all know it's illegal, so I guess we don't really have a lot to complain about.

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Oh FFS, the only reason other torrent sites didn't do better is because SN was so successful. Now it's shut down, the smaller torrent sites will probabbly achieve a more stable status. I'm surprised SN lasted as long as it did; all the ad-free mirrors etc. couldn't have helped.

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